Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving weekend is coming to an end for all of us Canadians. Another one of those holidays where we love eating our hearts out, but don't so much like the feeling of having a "food baby". But how can you beat mashed potatoes? You can't, that's for sure.

This morning, I watched the "We Day" celebrations on TV. It got me thinking: I have so much to be thankful for...
My family
My friends
The roof over my head
The food in my kitchen
Free, clean drinking water
The clothes in my closet
My new winter jacket
Having the opportunity to go to school
Having my own vehicle
(In no particular order)

This is only a small amount of the things I have to be thankful for. I'm privledged. I know it. Maybe not by our country's standards. If you look at it that way, I'm just your sterotypical, selfish, selfabsorbed, teenager. According to this sterotype, I don't care about anyone but myself. There are people like that, I know a fair amount. But I like to think I'm not one of them.
So as you sit around your table tonight, saying grace and stuffing your face, think of those who aren't.
(I sound like a preacher.) (But I don't care.)

Song of the day: Amazing- Hedley

You’re amazing
You’re amazing and it’s true
No one can save me
No one can save me like you do
This is crazy
Yeah it’s crazy but it’s true
Baby save me
Baby save me like you do

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Okay. So. I feel this is necessary. For sure.
Hedley is this amazingly talented band who I just can't seem to get enough of. We need to get their newst single, "Cha-Ching", to number one on iTunes. Here's a link: Cha-Ching

Also, their new album, "The Show Must Go", is being released across Canada on November 17. SO MAKE SURE YOU GO PICK IT UP.

And another thing.
I think the video for "Cha-Ching" is probably the most hilarious music video I have seen in my life. I have never laughed so hard at any other video.
Watch it here- Cha-Ching


Good Day.

An Interesting Concept...

blog. This could be good for me, I think. Sharing my thoughts with the world, while not even knowing who, if anyone, will read them. I don't think I care, really. I mean, I can just vent and not even think about it. I doubt anyone but me will care anyways. heh heh.
Well, I might as well publish this now, and we'll see what happens from there.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up.

Song of the day: Paycheck- Hedley