Saturday, November 7, 2009


First off, you: Why are you such an enormous jerk? Not one of us understands this, so why can't you actually explain something once in awhile? Maybe that way we would know what we were doing. And again with the caves? NO! I live in a house, where I was raised to be a human being perfectly capable of love and compassion, but only towards those who DESERVE it. You? I don't think so.

And to YOU: Why do you make it so difficult to hate you? Not that I want to HATE you hate you, I just don't want to like you. You make it so hard. Just when I start to get ahold of myself, you do something, and that one little word, or action, or look, it just makes everything I don't want to feel come rushing back. You're too amazing, for your own good. I hate you. But not really.

ANOTHER thing: WHY in the WORLD would you ask me if I wanted to come? There aren't too many people I hate in this world, but your tied for first. We're not even on speaking terms right now. Seriously? I flipped on you three different times this week because of your idiocracy. No, I will not be there tomorrow. You can tell me as much as you want about getting wasted, that doesn't make me want to spend a night of drunken stupidity with YOU.

[/end rant]

Song of the day: Fix Me- Marianas Trench

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