Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year's Resolution

To get more in shape.
Yeah, I know, stereotypical blah blah blah always fails blah blah blah, but not this time broski. No sir.

I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm not in shape, but I could definitely be a bit healthier.

I've started hitting up the gym at least twice a week, on top of dancing twice a week. Now, a diet adjustment. Sigh. I love health food, but I also love.. not health food. hahaha. So. I've looked in to a few things, and I found this...
Seems simple enough, I like most of these foods.

Also seems easy enough, plus, come on! Alton Brown? Love.

And I don't know about this one, but worth a shot, no?

So. I just thought I'd share these interesting little thingy things I found, just because they seem so easy. Will the work? Time will tell...

Marianas Trench- Decided To Break It

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