Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm okay today.

Lately, things have been getting insanely stressful, and I've been on the verge of giving up, multiple times. My best friend is offically out of my life, as much as she can be, anyways, and I found a friend in the person I least expected.
Saturday night, I was so over everything. One hundred percent done. I have friend, and he's one of those friends you joke around with, but God forbid a serious conversation once in awhile. Not to mention I rarely see him. We were talking, and I just suddenly snapped. I lost it. I ranted for a good two hours. Did he once tell me that he didn't care, that wasn't interested, pretend to listen, even just leave without a word?
Not once. Not even close. He listened. That's all he did. And after I calmed down, I was amazed. How could this guy, who really I've never done anything but act like an idiot with, suddenly care so much?
In a nutshell, he made me realize that I am so much more than I was letting myself think. I am so much more than the labels and stereotypes. And I'm now working on disconnecting myself from my so called best friend. It feels good.

Jason Aldean- I Ain't Ready To Quit

PS- thanks for telling me I'm "not gross" ;)

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